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Learn how to sketch

Liv Strawbridge Profile Image
Quick Confidence
With Liv Strawbridge
August 2, 2023
Min Read
Prompt #1

How to use sketching to generate ideas for logo concepts

A while ago, one of my long-time subscribers asked me how I approach sketching. Although I cover the basics in "Step 4: Draw" of my logo process guide, I realised there are many small steps I take during sketching that could be explained in more detail in an article.

So, I wrote the article. In it, I detail:

  • Why sketching is an essential part of the design process
  • The difference between sketching and digitising, and when to do what
  • The necessary preparation steps before starting the sketching process
  • The reference-then-sketch repeatable method (with video) using inspiration to spark ideas
  • The criteria for selecting concepts to digitise

Learn my sketching process

Prompt #2

How to quickly make multiple even lines in your logo concepts

In an Instagram reel, Lucy Eden shares a cool little tip about one of their favorite tools in Illustrator: the offset path tool. This tool can be used to quickly create designs with multiple evenly expanded lines.

Just go to Object > Path > Offset Path and increase the number to see the lines multiply. Make sure your object has a stroke set to it!

Watch Lucy’s reel

Prompt #3

How to politely say “Sorry I’m not designing that for free”

It’s hard to know what to say when someone asks you to do design work for free. Fortunately, Freelancing Females have put together a great Instagram post with some replies you can confidently (and politely) give someone when they’re asking for free work.

  1. Thanks so much for considering me! Please see here for a link to the services and price packages I offer. Let me know if you have any questions!
  2. This sounds like a great opportunity, thank you for thinking of me! Are you able to confirm that this is a paid opportunity?
  3. I appreciate you thinking of me for this opportunity. Unfortunately, I’m unable to take on any unpaid projects at the moment but I will circle back if that changes.
  4. Thanks for reaching out! I typically charge a flat fee for this kind of advice so I’m unable to answer this vida DM’s but I’ll drop a link below where you can book a consultation with me!

Save these somewhere for the next time someone asks you to design something for free!

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